Brian Zalewski 8756669c0b Latest
2023-12-25 00:32:05 +00:00

1.1 KiB

Install Doctor: Multi-OS provisioning made easy

Using this script for the first time? Check out our documentation for the complete rundown on how you can fork / modify our project to make it your own. Completely headlessly provision your workstations with thousands of useful software packages, integrated into your system via a well-thought secret management engine and meticulous configurations.


Adapting this project for your own purposes basically boils down to a few steps:

  1. Fork our GitHub project
  2. Generate an Age encryption key
  3. Use the Age encryption key to populate the secrets in home/.chezmoitemplates
  4. Customize the values in home/.chezmoidata.yaml and home/.chezmoi.yaml.tmpl

Headless Deploy

With all that in order, the next time you can headlessly provision your workstation by running:

export AGE_PASSWORD=YourAgePassword
export START_REPO=GitHubUsername
export SUDO_PASSWORD=YourSudoPassword
bash <(curl -sSL --compressed