Brian Zalewski f42899b107 Latest
2022-12-24 15:04:59 -05:00

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Supported Operating Systems

The chart below shows the operating systems that we have tested this role on. It is automatically generated using the Ansible Molecule tests located in the molecule/ folder. There is CI logic in place to automatically handle the testing of Windows, macOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, Debian, and Archlinux. If your operating system is not listed but is a variant of one of the systems we test (i.e. a Debian-flavored system or a RedHat-flavored system) then it is possible that the role will still work.

{{ compatibility_matrix }}

What does idempotent mean? Idempotent means that if you run this role twice in row then there will be no changes to the system the second time around.

We spent a lot of time perfecting our CI configurations and build tools. If you are interested in learning more about how we perfected our process then you might find our Ansible common files and Ansible documentation repositories interesting. See the guide for more details.